To quickly sum up: we adopted Nina as a companion for Sawyer in late Feb. The two did okay together and we were willing to give it time (as advised by HKDR when we talked to them about the incompatibility issue.) Things did not get better, sadly they got worse. Nina is not mean or aggressive but she’s too strong for Sawyer who, delicate flower that he is, has become more and more withdrawn from us (sleeping in the kitchen rather then the bedroom etc.) so we wrote HKDR and told them we would like to re-home Nina. Not even bring her back, just re-home her. Sally flipped and demanded we return Nina right away along with our foster dog, Big Ears. Big Ears is a Chu mix and loves our home and Sawyer. He’s a fragile little guy but he’s thriving in our care. Sally says we can’t keep him because “dogs don’t like children” and I am pregnant. I know lots of dogs that love children but that’s besides the point. Big Ears license is in Sally’s name and there’s little recourse for us. It’s so sad for Nina and only made worse by how badly Sally is treating Big Ears.